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Trigger API

The Trigger API allows you to create events. Each event is a representation of something that has happened and can include information about the event. Events are schemaless so you can include whatever JSON body you'd when creating a new event.

GET or POST Create an event

Create an event


HTTP Method


URI Parameters

sourcestringNoThe source of the event. This can be any string but it is used to identify where the event came from.
eventstringNoA description of the event.
workflow_idstringNoOptional. If a workflow_id is included, the provided workflow will be explicitly executed. Use this if you for sure want to execute a particular workflow. If omitted, Kimiko will loop through your workflows to find which one (if any) to execute base on their workflow rules.
object_sourcestringNoOptional. This optional parameter is useful for identifying an object coming from a CRM or other system
object_typestringNoOptional. This optional parameter is useful for identifying an object coming from a CRM or other system
object_idstringNoOptional. This optional parameter is useful for identifying an object coming from a CRM or other system

Body Parameters

*objectNoOptional. You can include any JSON object in the request body.


  "success": true,
  "id": "XXXX"

Trigger Event

A Trigger Event is logged whenever a valid request is sent to the Trigger API endpoint.

Data Model

idstringThe id of the event.
event_typestringThe type of event (trigger, workflow-instance, or action).
sourcestringThe source included in the request URI
requestobjectAn object including the args, body, and header of the trigger request.
request.argsobjectAn object including a key value parir of the request uri parameters (excluding api keys.)
request.bodyobjectAn object of the request body.
request.headersobjectAn object of the request headers.
dataobjectAny data enriched when the trigger is processed.
account_idstringKimiko account Id.
object_sourcestring?Object source useful for identifying objects in CRM.
object_typestring?Object type useful for identifying type of object in CRM.
object_idstring?Object id useful for identifiying specific object in CRM.
kmk_versionfloatThe version of Kimiko that proccessed the event.
date_createdtimestampThe time the event was created.
date_updatedtimestampThe time the event was last updated.
found_workflowbooleanWhether or not a workflow was found.
workflow_idstring?The id of the workflow found.
event_idstringDuplicate. The id of the event.

Example Trigger Event

"id": "iKtPLazQ3j2n6shFIHW6",
"event_type": "trigger",
"source": "typeform",
"status": "processed",
"request": {
"args": {},
"body": {},
"headers": {}
"data": {},
"account_id": "XXX",
"object_source": "typeform",
"object_type": null,
"object_id": null,
"kmk_version": 3,
"date_created": "2022-12-23 21:33:22.303154+00:00",
"date_updated": "2022-12-23 21:33:23.402699+00:00",
"found_workflow": false,
"workflow_id": null,
"event_id": "iKtPLazQ3j2n6shFIHW6"